Thursday, December 31, 2015

My 2015

On this last day of 2015, I feel rather old.

I wonder how many of my peers have gone through as many ups and downs (in terms of career especially) as I have. I look at their Facebook updates and LinkedIn profiles, and see that many of them seem to be doing pretty well for themselves.

Me? Well. I've had 3 jobs just this year alone: leaving the civil service in April after working there for 1 year, a brief stint in a place where I quickly realized that the environment was terrible, and my internship at a PR agency that did not work out. I sometimes think of my peers who have a few years of work experiences under their belts already and feel envious.

I don't think I am a loser compared to them though. While some folks might be aghast at my, ahem, job promiscuity, I believe the twists and turns in my career path have made me a strong hustler. Perhaps it is not such a bad thing to fail several times early in my young adult life. I am now used to the sting of rejections. Change does not really faze me. I feel at ease with networking with people in my field and related fields. The vicissitudes I faced in my career and life were not easy to handle but all of them brought me here today: a tougher and sharper hustler.

I expect to continue hustling in 2016, with the main aim of establishing my career in a particular field. I will also make a conscious effort to cultivate other areas in my life e.g. social, health, finances. I know that awesome and wonderful things await me, and that I just have to strive for them.

Here's wishing y'all a Happy New Year!

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