Someday, if I ever get to meet the amazing Florence Welch from Florence and the Machine, I want to thank her for her song 'Shake It Out'. It's one of the most powerful and moving songs ever, and it's basically about shaking out your fears, letting go of your regrets and bravely embracing a new beginning. The song has helped tide me through many dark days of fear, uncertainty and self-doubt.The lyrics (especially the lines "It's always darkest before the dawn" and "It's hard to dance with the devil on your back") and Welch's powerful vocals somehow help to soothe my emotions and make me feel braver.
I began the morning of a brand new week by playing this song aloud on my laptop. This week is significant, because I've two final exams, probably my last school exams ever for the rest of my life. As mentioned in the previous post, I'm applying for my Honours degree, which I hope to begin next semester. These two final exams will count towards my overall grades, which my Faculty will use to assess my final Honours application, so I'm determined to do my best. I've prepared as much as I could for these two exams already, but every now and then I still find myself panicking about them. As always, 'Shake It Out' reminds me to let go of my anxieties and just embrace the exams without fear.
Do have a listen to the video above (lyrics are included). I find that this song resonates most powerfully when played loud while your eyes are closed. 'Shake It Out' is definitely one of my favourite songs and I have a feeling I will continue listening to it for comfort and strength for a long time.
Have a great week everyone, and wish me luck!
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